Homeschooling? Here’s How to Get Student and Teacher Discounts with a Printable ID

Discover Homeschool Buyer's Club Free Printable Student and Teacher ID Tool

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Image of a leafy green potted plant on a stack of books

Are you a homeschooler looking for ways to save on purchases and take advantage of student and teacher discounts? 

If so, you may be wondering how you can get access to these discounts without an official student or teacher ID. 

Luckily for us, Homeschool Buyer's Club offers a free, printable student and teacher ID creation tool that can help you create your own customized IDs from the comfort of your own home. 

In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to create your own ID and start enjoying the discounts that come with it.

I've been homeschooling for a few years now, but recently discovered that Homeschool Buyer's Club offers a free, printable student and teacher ID creation tool, right here

All you need is:

  • A functioning printer, or, you can take screenshots!
  • Paper, and optional, a laminator if you want to keep it sturdy
  • Recent pics of you and your kids
  • ...and an email to enter to create your free club account 

First, head on over to their website.

Then, follow these steps: 

  1. Select student ID or Teacher ID

  2. Select color. I did a different color for the teacher and for your students.

  3. Make a name for your school. Whatever speaks to your heart. 

  4. Enter your info

  5. Upload a photo. Be aware there are restrictions, must be under 1MB, and under 1200 pixels wide. I had to use Canva to resize my image to that size and downloaded it in "compressed quality" to get the low resolution needed

  6. Once your photo is accepted, select Update Preview to see how it looks. 

  7. Then, select "Print Your Free Card At Home" 

  8. You'll receive a link to your card image, from which you can open your image to print, or screenshot. 

  9. From here, here you are either done, or you can use a laminator to make the cards sturdy if you want physical copies. I chose to laminate as I will 100% lose screenshots in my sea of 30,000 photos. This is the one I use, and it works great!

All done!

Here's the finished product:

Then, show this ID for student and teacher discounts. It is reported to work for most things and at most places! 

Make Your IDs Here.


